[OSX – HowTo] Mac – Get Rid of Google Voice And Video Accel Setup

It’ s been quite a long time since the folders googlevoiceandvideoaccelsetup appear in my Finders.

It annoys me, a lot, because I do not want to see those folders in my Finder.

The problem is that they cannot ejected by the eject icon and they cannot be deleted from Finder.

This is a very simple shell command to delete them:

1) open Terminal

2) type: sudo rm -rf /private/tmp/2014*

3) restart Finder: killall Finder

et voilĂ !


And if you want to unistall the Google Voice And Video plugin:

1) open Terminal

2) type:

/Library/Application\ Support/Google/GoogleVoiceAndVideoUninstaller.app/Contents/MacOS/GoogleVoiceAndVideoUninstaller